
Population Geneticist, FamilyTreeDNA
population genetics ● evolutionary genomics ● phylogeography ● herpetology ● human evolution
Ph.D. Toad Publications
Work in Preparation or Review
Warshauer E., Maier P.A., Runfeldt G., Fuentes I., Escámez M.J., Valinotto L., Natale M., Manzur G., Illera N., García M., del Río M., Mencia Á., Larcher F., Hellenthal G., Brown A., Consuegra L., Rivera C., Nogueiro I., Tang J., Oro A., Marinkovich P., Palisson F., Titeux M., Hovnanian A., Sprecher E., Skorecki K., Norris D., Bruckner A., Kogut I., Bilousova G., Roop D. (2023). Sephardic ancestry in Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa individuals carrying the prevalent c.6527insC mutation. PLOS Genetics. In review.
Lee S.R., Ostoja S.M., Maier P.A., Matchett J.R., Knapp R.A., McKenny H., Brooks M.L., Danielle N., Berlow E.L. Distribution and spatiotemporal variation of Yosemite toad populations across Sierra Nevada national parks. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. In review.
Maier P.A., Larval development evolution among pure and admixed lineages of Anaxyrus canorus. In prep.
Maier P.A., Mabe J.A. (2024). Hybridization between Anaxyrus boreas × canorus within Eldorado National Forest: The first genomic assessment. Final Report to US Forest Service. Eldorado National Forest, Placerville, CA. [PDF]
Maier P.A., Vandergast A.G., Bohonak A.J. (2024). Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus) transcriptome reveals interplay between speciation genes and adaptive introgression. Molecular Ecology. 33(8), e17317. [DOI] [PDF]
Warshauer E.M., Maier P., Runfeldt G., Fuentes I., Escámez M., Hellenthal G., Brown A., Valinotto L., Brown A., Hovnanian A., Sprecher E., Skorecki K., Roop D. (2023). Crypto-Jewish origins revealed in recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa individuals carrying the prevalent c.6527insC mutation associated with sephardic ancestry [abstract]. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 143(5), S147. [DOI]
Begg T.J.A., Schmidt A., Kocher A., Larmuseau M.H.D., Runfeldt G., Maier P.A., Wilson J.D., Barquera R., Maj C., Szolek A., Sager M., Clayton S., Peltzer A., Hui R., Ronge J., Reiter E., Freund C., Burri M., Aron F., Tiliakou A., Osborn J., Behar D.M., Boecker M., Brandt G., Cleynen I., Strassburg C., Prüfer K., Kühnert D., Meredith W.R., Noethen M., Attenborough R.D., Kivisild T., Krause J. (2023). Genomic analyses of hair from Ludwig van Beethoven. Current Biology, 33, 1–17. [DOI] [PDF] [PR1] [PR2] [NYT] [Video]
Maier P.A., Vandergast A.G., Bohonak A.J. (2023). Using landscape genomics to delineate future adaptive potential for climate change in the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus). Evolutionary Applications, 16(1), 74–97. [DOI] [PDF]
Warshauer E.M., Maier P., Fuentes I., Runfeldt G., Escámez M., Valinotto L., Brown A., Palisson F., Hovnanian A., Roop D. (2022). Sephardic ancestry in Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa individuals carrying the prevalent c.6527insC mutation [abstract]. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 142(12), S232. [DOI]
Maier P.A., Vandergast A.G., Ostoja S.M., Aguilar A., Bohonak A.J. (2022). Landscape genetics of a sub-alpine toad: Climate change predicted to induce upward range shifts via asymmetrical migration corridors. Heredity, 129(5), 257–272. [DOI] [PDF] [SharedIt] [Podcast] [Cover]
Maier P.A., Runfeldt G., Estes R.J., Vilar M.G. (2022). African mitochondrial haplogroup L7: A 100,000-year-old maternal human lineage discovered through reassessment and new sequencing. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 10747. [DOI] [PDF] [Video] [Blog1] [Blog2]
Maier P.A., Vandergast A.G., Ostoja S.M., Aguilar A., Bohonak A.J. (2022). Gene pool boundaries for the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus) reveal asymmetrical migration within meadow neighborhoods. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 3, 851676. [DOI] [PDF]
Maier P.A., Hu R., Runfeldt G., Giniebra D., Frichot E. (2021). myOrigins 3.0: Combining global and local methods for determining population ancestry. FamilyTreeDNA White Paper 2021-08-18. [DOI] [PDF]
Hu R., Maier P.A., Runfeldt G., Estes R., Rocha E., Walker A., Baur P., Ty L. (2021). Family Finder Matching 5.0: Matching algorithm and relationship estimation. FamilyTreeDNA White Paper 2021-08-18. [DOI] [PDF]
Warshauer E., Brown A., Fuentes I., Shortt J., Gignoux C., Montinaro F., Metspalu M., Youssefian L., Vahidnezhad H., Jacków J., Christiano A.M., Uitto J., Fajardo-Ramírez Ó.R., Salas-Alanis J.C., McGrath J.A., Consuegra L., Rivera C., Maier P.A., Runfeldt G., Behar D.M., Skorecki K., Sprecher E., Palisson F., Norris D.A., Bruckner A.L., Kogut I., Bilousova G., Roop D.R. (2021). Ancestral patterns of Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa mutations in Hispanic populations suggest Sephardic ancestry. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 185(11), 3390–3400. [DOI] [PDF]
Lindauer A.L., Maier P.A., Voyles J. (2020). Daily fluctuating temperatures decrease growth and reproduction rate of a lethal amphibian fungal pathogen in culture. BMC Ecology, 20(18), 1–9. [DOI] [PDF]
Jia K.-H., Zhao W., Maier P.A., Hu X.-G., Jin Y., Zhaou S.-S., Jiao S.-Q., El-Kassaby Y.A., Wang T., Wang X.-R., Mao J.-F. (2020). Landscape genomics predicts climate change vulnerability for forest tree: a case from a wide-spread conifer tree, Platycladus orientalis. Evolutionary Applications, 13(4), 665–676. [DOI] [PDF]
Maier P.A., Vandergast A.G., Ostoja S.M., Aguilar A., Bohonak A.J. (2019). Pleistocene glacial cycles drove lineage diversification and fusion in the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus). Evolution, 73(12), 2476–2496. [DOI] [PDF] [Slides]
Maier P.A. (2019) Anaxyrus canorus (Yosemite toad) larval diet. Herpetological Review, 50(1), 111–112. [PDF]
Maier P.A. (2018). Anaxyrus canorus (Yosemite toad) breeding behavior. Herpetological Review, 49(4), 727–728. [PDF] [Video]
Maier P.A. (2018). Evolutionary past, present, and future of the Yosemite toad (Anaxyrus canorus): A total evidence approach to delineating conservation units. Ph.D. dissertation. University of California Riverside, and San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. [URL] [DOI] [PDF]
Chapter 1: Pleistocene Glacial Cycles Drove Lineage Diversification and Fusion
Chapter 2: Genomic Geography: Islands and Rivers of Divergence at Secondary Contact Zones
Chapter 3: A Novel Genetic Network Model Estimates Environmentally Mediated Migration
Chapter 4: Predicting The Unknown: Conservation Units for Evolutionary Potential
Maier P.A., Ostoja S.M., Aguilar A., Bohonak A.J. (2016). Conservation genomics of the Yosemite toad: Implications of deep divergence and limitations to meadow connectivity. USGS Cooperator’s Report to the National Park Service. San Diego State University, San Diego, CA. [DOI] [PDF]
Klinger R., Cleaver M., Anderson S., Maier P., Clark J. (2015). Implications of scale-dependent habitat specialization on persistence of a rare small mammal. Global Ecology and Conservation, 3, 100–114. [DOI] [PDF]
Klinger R., Cleaver M., Anderson S., Maier P., Clark J. (2013). Short-term population dynamics, demography, and habitat selection by the Amargosa vole. USGS Final Report to the Bureau of Land Management. USGS Bishop Field Station, Bishop, CA.
Scholarly Review for Journals:
Molecular Ecology
Conservation Genetics
Scientific Reports
Molecular Biology and Evolution
Herpetological Conservation and Biology