Pedigree of California Herpetologists

1. Wait a moment for the network to finish loading.
2. Center the network on your screen (use your web browser’s side bar).
3. Zoom in and out to view names of students, and their advisers/mentors.
4. Pan left/right or up/down by holding down the mouse and dragging the background.
5. Hover your mouse over a shape to see info about that person’s thesis.
6. Drag shapes to move them, as needed. The no. of connections can get messy.
7. Enter a name on the drop-down menu to see that person, and their immediate connections.

* Colors represent year of thesis, size scales with no. of connections, shape is taxon.
** Students can have more than one adviser; PhD adviser was chosen when applicable.
*** Please contact me if you have any corrections, additions, or suggestions!